Monday, July 26, 2010

Suffer a "witch" not to live

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Whoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. He that sacrificeth unto any god, save to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed." (Exodus 22:18-20)

These verses attest to the power of belief as they led to the slaughter of thousands of defenseless people throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Understand that these verses not only authorize the executions but they explicitly command them.  Verse 18 justified the burning of women in Europe judged as witches. In early America, the Salem witch trials resulted in the deaths of women and men.

Verse 19 refers to bestiality, a sin considered worthy of death. Christians used verse 20 to justify religious wars, Crusades and the slaughter of unbelievers throughout Europe. And the condemnation of heretics still goes on.

Two themes that Jesus repeatedly discusses are "hell" and his ability and the ability of his followers to cast out "demons" in his name.  I have read two news stories in the last 3 days about pastor's in the UK and in Africa subjecting children and teenagers to the stigma of "demon" possession and the subsequent "casting out of the demons" for a fee.  Once the child is labeled as demon possessed and/or a "witch" the parents distance themselves from the child or abandon them altogether.  It is as if the church is gearing up for the dark ages with "witch hunts" and violence against anyone who believes different than their church does.  The bible never illumines what the behavior of  demon possession looks like leaving it to the imagination of the "witch HUNTER".   This biblical view is so pervasive in america that Pat Robertson could blame the Haiti earthquake on the supposed"devil worship" of Haitian ancestors 300 years ago.  Pretty heady knowledge from a billionaire who talks and hears from god daily on his TV show.  No one cancelled his show....the TV evangelist just keeps on collecting checks from superstitious and gullible people who send him money.  I am sure he claims to have some "ministry" set up in Haiti to help the poor people of Haiti who have suffered so much "because of the sins of their great great grandparents".  Yeah ...right!
I do get weary of the delusions of the TV evangelists who claim daily to "heal people" with their prayer cloths, and assorted trinkets sold to the superstitious and the gullible and deluded.  We have forgotten that a reformation took place because of Martin Luther's outrage at the catholic church selling "favors".
For a fee you can get a demon cast out and get a prayer for your healing.  It is all part of the dog and pony show that is very,very profitable and very, very dangerous for a people who have quit thinking rationally.