Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Is it true the "prayer" + "belief" = "whatever you ask for"?

Mark 11:24  "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Anything you need -- money, love, happiness, you name it -- I am here to provide it for you.

Jesus made many claims that God would answer prayer.  He taught his disciples that what they needed was faith, belief and in some cases 2 or more people to agree with them in prayer.  Is this true?  Do christians see evidence of prayer producing miracles?  Can believers get "whatever" they ask for in prayer by "believing"?  Do we see evidence that god listens and answers specific prayers?  Are answers to prayer lists a common occurence?  Why do churches pass an "offering plate" to pay salaries and pay for building expenses when all that would be necessary is prayer?  I have never met a paralyzed person who did not pray moment by moment to be set free from their paralysis, and yet in 35 years of working with patients with spinal cord injuries I have never met one that god "healed" and allowed to walk.  I am not a skeptic, I am a realist living in the world as I observe it.