Sunday, August 15, 2010

Younger female widows to receive no welfare

"But refuse younger widows, for when they have grown wanton against Christ, they desire to marry;"

Author: 1 Timothy 5 Verses #: 11

Paul had instructed Timothy to instruct the church to care for "widows" who were "widows indeed" if they did not have family to care for them, but to deny support to the younger widows because they were more likely to desire to have a spouse.  Biblical marriages were arranged marriages until the last 200 to 300 years.  The family chose your spouse and arranged who you were to be married to.  Paul is assuming and chastising and denying care to younger widows because they were likely to desire to marry.  This is cruel treatment and this is a cruel view against young widows, who no doubt have children that they were struggling to feed and clothe and house.  It is natural to desire to pass through life with someone who will share and care for you and your children.  Paul, again, shows a lack of tenderness and compassion to young widows who may need help and may desire companionship.  Paul views a desire to marry as something sinful.  He instructs Timothy and other single believers to remain single as he was.  A desire to marry was a desire to give into "fleshly desires".  Women desired children in hopes that when they grew older the children would take care of them.  The teachings of Paul that instructed single believers to remain single was not a jewish teaching and tradition, but eventually became a way to be "godly". It became a prerequistite to priesthood.  Through Paul's teachings  godliness was attributed to a single and celibate lifestyle.  This was a unique New Testament concept fostered by the teachings of Paul, who never met Jesus, nor heard Jesus speak.  The very earliest 1st century jewish believers rejected Paul's teachings and status as an apostle.  It was nearly a hundred years after Paul's writing that certain groups vied for Paul's doctrines and teachings to be taught.  In the 2nd and 3rd century the followers of Paul began to dominate christianity by calling themselves "Pauline" christians.  The earliest christians did not have Paul's teachings and did not follow Paul's teachings and no doubt viewed all widows in a more compassionate light.