Saturday, August 21, 2010

Child abuse encouraged by the bible

Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.--Pr:22:15
This verse has been the sole justification for centuries and centuries of childhood abuse. The human race has been whipping, beating and spanking and hitting their offspring for centuries based on this one verse. Humans and especially, children are very fragile and capable of being injured both emotionally and physically. Children have their own unique view of the world but that does not mean that they are beyond reason and must be beaten into submission. Child abuse, just like spiritual abuse is rampant in the church because cruelly, it is justified in the bible. The abuser does not benefit the heart of the child, but breaks it. I find it surprising that many children who experience being spanked/beaten as children grow up to continue a relationship with the parent abuser and with the parent's god.  I do think that children resent and remember abuse their whole lives and it does interfere with affection toward parents and others. Children who experience being beaten with a "rod" of correction often grow up hypervigilant and become abusers themselves. The "good" book encourages parents to spank their children when they see fit and for perceived "foolishness". Children need love and discipline and attention, rest and nutrition and adequate periods of exercise. They do not need to be spanked and beaten with a rod. In my opinion, this verse is proof that an all-knowing and all-wise god wrote the bible. It was written by violent men who had a very limited knowledge of psychology and sociology and biology. Talk to your children, listen to your children...don't beat them when you are having a bad day and want to extend your personality as their "authority". Parents do not have a right to use a "rod" on their children...that is spiritual, physical and psychological abuse.  I have to wonder if it is why america is so violent and why we are military empire of dominance and authoritarianism.