Sunday, August 29, 2010

Throwing children against stones!

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.--Psalms 137:9

No one in the human race can be made happy by throwing infants and children against stones.  The fact that bible verses like this get overlooked, while others are revered is just crazy making.  Murder is an unnatural act.  Humans do not need religion to tell them that murder of infants and children are wrong under any circumstance.  God killed the "firstborn" in Egypt in the story of Pharoah and Moses.  God always approved of the killing of innocent women and children and the elderly in the many genocides of the bible.  David, who is credited with writing the Psalms was one of the most violent kings of all time and yet God said David was a man after God's own heart.  The tribes that surrounded the hebrew tribe were never safe from acts of war against them.  Dashing children against stones was obviously encouraged in their acts of aggression.  How terribly sad.  Surely mankind can do better by rising above the abrahamic religions of islam, judaism and christianity.   These are not religions of peace!