Saturday, August 14, 2010

Biblical declaration that knowledge is bad news!

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. – Ecclesiastes 1:18

Ancient and illiterate sheep herders who form the cast of  characters known as the "Patriarchs".  They no doubt had little use for women, foreigners or baby girls, but who would guess that they had little use for knowlege?  Because they had no use for science, biology and education for the masses?  It took mankind 4,000 years to advance without knowledge and about 200 years to advance with "knowledge" of science, medicine and education.  Who wants to go back to the stone age of the patriarchs of slavery, genocide, gender inequality and ignorance? 

Without education mankind will descend backwards into illiterate ignorance and superstition and myths from which we have escaped. 

I think it is time america "de-funds" the pentagon and funds education and rewards innovation and develops scientists who can move us beyond our addiction to fossil fuels, which are running out.  The bible clearly does not have the answers as it so proudly states.