Monday, September 27, 2010

Contradictions over Jesus' genealogy by Thomas Quinn

The inerrant word of God, you say? Huh... That claim lacks a certain Christian humility, don't you think? Especially since there is no greater evidence of the Bible's human origins than its frequent disagreements with itself. A perfect god wouldn't allow this sort of thing. What would be the point? If he's willing to show off by parting oceans and stuff, he'd certainly want to impress us with a boo-boo free biography. Alas, it ain't so. Here is just a partial list of scriptural inconsistencies in the New Testament. Many of them are genuinely unimportant...all the more reason why there shouldn't be any inconsistencies. But here they are.

Matt 1:6-7 The genealogy of Jesus runs through David's son, Solomon.

Luke 3:23-31 The genealogy of Jesus runs through David's son, Nathan.

Matt 1:16 Joseph's father is Jacob.

Luke 3:23 Joseph's father is Heli.

Matt 1:17 There are 28 generations from David to Jesus.

Luke 3:23-38 There are 43 generations from David to Jesus.

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Posted by Thomas Quinn at 5:53 PM 2 comments